Carmron Pools

My class and a group from up stairs went to Cameron Pools. We had 3 activities. 1 was we had to learn how to swim with a snorkel. 2nd We had to learn what fish or other sea life eats and third we had to catch fish or try to find small fish in the buckets.


The first activity we had to do was Wednesday. I didn’t really learn anything from that because it was pretty long so I couldn’t remember anything that much but the only thing I remember is that. We had to match the fish and other sea life with what they eat. I was a seaweed and the other one I don’t remember.


The 2nd activity was how to swim with a snorkel on the first thing we had to do was to learn is how to wear a snorkel and swimming flippers after telling us what to do he told us to get in the water we got in to partners I was planning to go with the girls but they had partners already so I had to be by myself but it was really easy because everyone had to get a surfboard and share it between each other so they had to squeeze in together but since I was by myself so I had lots of space so I was able to swim more faster.


The 3rd and last activity I did was Inspecting the Stream this active was pretty short all we had to do was look for small fish and other things that we could find that was alive there was a lot of rubbish in the stream we also tested if the water was clean for the fishes or was it bad for the fishes.


I Don’t Cry

In class we have been learning about spoken poetry.  We watched a clip of Brown Brother by Joshua Iosefa, from Mount Roskill Grammar.

We had to write our own spoken poetry piece.

I hope you enjoy my masterpiece.


I Don’t Cry

I don’t cry when I fall to the ground but babies cry when they do.

I don’t cry when I hear sad news, therefore Mele cries when she hears something upsetting. 

I don’t cry when I make a mistake, but kids cry when they do.

I don’t cry when I get hit by a ball but sensitive people do.

I don’t cry when people steal my stuff, but kindergarteners  do.


I don’t cry


I don’t cry when I hear go steal a chicken.

I don’t cry when I hear go pick some cotton.

I don’t cry when I hear go sing some slave songs.

I don’t cry when I hear go back to where you came from


I don’t cry, my ancestors have cried enough


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